Here I am 130-133. I think now being 133-136 I see more of a change. Can't wait to have time to take a pic of me now |
I am now 133-136 OMG!!!!! I almost never take Ciplactin. I just took one today but before today I think I had not taken one for at least 3 days. I am taking them completely sporadically.....pretty much just when I think I need an appetite boost. I have been eating a good 2500-3000 calories a day everyday. I eat a whole 5 oz bag of cheddar cheese popcorn (600 calorie snack!!!!!) in one sitting almost everyday, I have absolutely never done that before in my life. I typically eat 3 meals and 2-3 snacks a day plus my liquid nutritional supplements. A typical day is 4 waffles for breakfast, one 5 oz bag of cheddar popcorn, 2 grilled cheese sandwhichs for very late lunch, Dinner is always different and random, then all sorts of snacks and sweets before bed along with 2 liquid nutritional supplements. I am also alot more thirsty then normally, all day even when I am not eating I am drinking juice and sometimes SODA.....but I want so badly to stay away from soda. At night while I drink my gain weight drinks I drink a huge jug of water with that. Its strange my appetite for juice is insane and I never used to be a juice person, I was also never hungry around breakfast time, but now as soon as I wake up I need food. The only time I get crancky or super moody is when I am hungry, and it gets bad if I'm out and about and do not have time to eat. I'll be a completely winny BIA..... My sleep habits are still the same, I do not get extra tired. But then again I only take the pills about twice a week or just when ever I feel like I need them.
One thing I would def say from my experience is do not buy 6 packs of pills if you are just trying to get your appetite back. I thought I would need a pill everyday to feel hungry and from my experience that is not the case. Take pills everyday for like 3 days to a week maybe then after that try to do it without the pills, and only take the pills on days you need a boost. Now if you have never gained weight before and have never ever had a big appetite naturally then maybe you might need to take them everyday.