I finally figured out how to comment back to you loves, I couldn't before because of my "cookie" setting on my laptop
I am really surprised at some of the comments on my video because I really do not think I look much different then I did in my 138-140 lb video. I do not think I look unhealthy, and I sure do not think I look preg.
But you are probably wondering what my huge regret is.......it is having ever talked about the "PILLS". Of course I felt it was my duty to be honest about my step to take the pills, but at the same time I did not realize that if I talked about them, especially talked about them working I would essentially be promoting the use of these pills to thousands of people. And that was not my intent, especially because they are prescription pills................and I am clearly not a Dr. Yes they worked wonders for me in a matter of just a day I started seeing a difference but if I had put more thought into the decision to use them I would not have. I have had no side effects no problems but.................taking pills unnecessarily just to gain weight now that I think about it is just dumb. On top of that telling all my viewers how good they work, and promoting them unintentionally, was something I truly never wanted to do. Which is why many times I just call them pills and do not refer to them by there actual name. That is also why I have never posted the link to where to buy them on my blog or on any of my videos. I used to give out the link to where I bought them if someone inboxed me. But I can no longer do that because it just bothers my conscious because I have no idea who is on the other side of the computer, who I am giving this link to, and what there potential reaction could be to using these pills. I do not want that burden anymore...............SO I WILL NO LONGER BE GIVING OUT THE LINK TO WHERE I BOUGHT THEM, NOR WILL I MENTION THEM BY NAME, NOR WILL THEY BE DISCUSSED EVER AGAIN BY ME. AS YOU ALREADY KNOW I STOPPED TAKING THEM BACK IN AUGUST........................SO THE PILL PHASE IS OVER FOR ME, UNLESS MY DOCTOR GIVES THEM TO ME :)
I hope you loves can understand where I am coming from. I love yall and can't bear the burden of someone's body reacting negatively by using pills that were not prescribed to them because Keke said they worked. You feel me?????
Love yall lots!!!!!!