Weight: 131-133
Day 6:
Total Calories: 2020
2 servings of Cottage = 200 *what I eat for breakfast when I have no appetite*
Caprisun = 100
Total = 300
Fettucinni Alfredo = 630
2 Caprisun's = 200
2 Liquid Nutritional Supplements = 700
Orange Sunkist Soda = 190
Total = 1720
Day 7:
Todays Total: 2295
Breakfast: Nothing
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy = 400
Orange Sunkist Soda = 190
Total = 590
White Rice and Chicken in Creamy Mushroom Sauce = 450
Orange Sunkist Soda = 190
3 Liquid Nutritional Supplement = 1050
Vitafusion Multivitamin = 15
Total: 1705
Usually when I take in at least 2000 calories if not more I can maintain my weight if not gain. My weight is not budging at all. I am getting in a decent amount of calories. With the amount of calories I am consuming I would not expect to gain much but I would expect to at least maintain. But I am not maintaining at all. I am surprised to see 131 and not 133 all the time if not more when I am full. The only problem I can think of is I have been up practically all day everyday this weekend. The time my body should be at rest, obsorbing the calories, my body is instead still burning the calories because I have not been sleeping. When I should be sleeping instead I am blogging lol, talking on the phone or facebook, or just being anxious about my relationship (and him leaving in 2 weeks) and/or the fact that my summer semester starts this coming Tuesday. Even though I dread the summer semester I am kind of looking forward to it. So that when I am not at work, I am still too busy to worry about anything due to massive amounts of Grad school work.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Day 5 (Yesterday 5/27) - Emotional Rollercoaster
Weight: Don't Know did not weigh myself
Todays Total Calories- 1875 ****Great Considering the circumstances****
2 Packs of Quacker Stawberry & Cream Instant Oatmeal in Lactaid Milk (420 Calories)
1 Glass of Lactaid Milk (160 Calories)
Total = 580 Calories
Chipotle Steak Burrito *I at the whole thing this time* (900 Calories)
2 Sunkist Orange Sodas (190 * 2 = 380 Calories)
Vitafusion Multivitamins (15 Calories)
Total = 1295
Todays Total Calories- 1875 ****Great Considering the circumstances****
2 Packs of Quacker Stawberry & Cream Instant Oatmeal in Lactaid Milk (420 Calories)
1 Glass of Lactaid Milk (160 Calories)
Total = 580 Calories
Chipotle Steak Burrito *I at the whole thing this time* (900 Calories)
2 Sunkist Orange Sodas (190 * 2 = 380 Calories)
Vitafusion Multivitamins (15 Calories)
Total = 1295
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Starting Over - Day 4
Todays Total Calories: 2045
Todays Weight: 134
2 servings of Cottage Cheese (200 Calories) * I was so not hungry so I firgured this would be easy to force down*
Arizona Tea (80 Calories)
Total = 280 Calories
Stouffer's Fettuccini Alfredo (630 Calories)
Orange Sunkist Soda (190 Calories)
Stoneyfield Super Smoothie (230 Calories)
2 CVS Liquid Nutritional Supplements (350*2 = 700 Calories)
Vitafusion Multivitamins (15 Calories)
2 Glasses of Water (0 Calories)
Total = 1765

I am drinking a ton of different things in order to expand my tummy. Once my tummy is expanded through drinks such as soothies and nutritional supplements hopefully I will be able to start having the appetite to eat more. I will be posting a video on my youtube channel that shows my body at the current weight that I am right now at about 133-134 tommorow and announcing this blog. I am still just trying to get in over 2000 Calories a day. Lets see if I can get to 136 by the end of this month or start of June. I was so nauseous yesterday from antibiotics the 2000 calorie goal was not met.
Todays Weight: 134
2 servings of Cottage Cheese (200 Calories) * I was so not hungry so I firgured this would be easy to force down*
Arizona Tea (80 Calories)
Total = 280 Calories
Stouffer's Fettuccini Alfredo (630 Calories)
Orange Sunkist Soda (190 Calories)
Stoneyfield Super Smoothie (230 Calories)
2 CVS Liquid Nutritional Supplements (350*2 = 700 Calories)
Vitafusion Multivitamins (15 Calories)
2 Glasses of Water (0 Calories)
Total = 1765
I am drinking a ton of different things in order to expand my tummy. Once my tummy is expanded through drinks such as soothies and nutritional supplements hopefully I will be able to start having the appetite to eat more. I will be posting a video on my youtube channel that shows my body at the current weight that I am right now at about 133-134 tommorow and announcing this blog. I am still just trying to get in over 2000 Calories a day. Lets see if I can get to 136 by the end of this month or start of June. I was so nauseous yesterday from antibiotics the 2000 calorie goal was not met.
Starting Over - Day3 (Yesterday 5/25)
Todays Total Calories: 1195
Todays Weight: 133
1 Packs of Quacker Stawberry & Cream Instant Oatmeal in Lactaid Milk (290 Calories)
Water (0 Calories)
Total = 290 Calories
1 2/3 Beef Pattie (500 Calories)
Arizona Tea (90)
Blended Drink (w/ carrots, mango, apple juice, banana, spinach) (300 Calories)
Vitafusion Multivitamins (15 Calories)
2 Glasses of Water (0 Calories)
Total = 905
I was nauseous all day so I did not eat enough calories :(
Todays Weight: 133
1 Packs of Quacker Stawberry & Cream Instant Oatmeal in Lactaid Milk (290 Calories)
Water (0 Calories)
Total = 290 Calories
1 2/3 Beef Pattie (500 Calories)
Arizona Tea (90)
Blended Drink (w/ carrots, mango, apple juice, banana, spinach) (300 Calories)
Vitafusion Multivitamins (15 Calories)
2 Glasses of Water (0 Calories)
Total = 905
I was nauseous all day so I did not eat enough calories :(
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Starting Over - Day 2
Todays Total Calories: 2195
Todays Weight: 133
2 Packs of Quacker Stawberry & Cream Instant Oatmeal in Lactaid Milk (420 Calories)
1 Glass of Lactaid Milk (160 Calories)
Total = 580 Calories
Chipotle Steak Burrito *I didn't eat the whole thing* (600 Calories)
Blended Drink (w/ carrots, mango, apple juice, banana, spinach) (300 Calories)
2 CVS Liquid Nutritional Supplements (350*2 = 700 Calories)
Vitafusion Multivitamins (15 Calories)
2 Glasses of Water (0 Calories)
Total = 1615
Todays Weight: 133
2 Packs of Quacker Stawberry & Cream Instant Oatmeal in Lactaid Milk (420 Calories)
1 Glass of Lactaid Milk (160 Calories)
Total = 580 Calories
Chipotle Steak Burrito *I didn't eat the whole thing* (600 Calories)
Blended Drink (w/ carrots, mango, apple juice, banana, spinach) (300 Calories)
2 CVS Liquid Nutritional Supplements (350*2 = 700 Calories)
Vitafusion Multivitamins (15 Calories)
2 Glasses of Water (0 Calories)
Total = 1615
The blended "green" drink is not necessarily a drink meant for weight gain its just a healthy drink my mom likes to make to ensure I get in my daily fruits and vegetables. It looks very nasty but it is very sweet and tasty. I am not exactly sure how many calories it has I just assume it has about 300 but I would not be surprised if it had way more. She just blends together a little bit of crushed ice along with 5 baby carrots, a slice of mango, a whole banana, spinach leaves, and apple juice. I feel like I am on a roll, I was surprised when I started craving Chipotle.....that must mean my appetite is back and those antibiotics aren't killing my cravings anymore.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Back Forreal -- Starting Over (DAY 1) + Pics
I am now in a range of 130-133 big thanks to my wisdom teeth surgery. I can finally eat anything I want, no more pain at all, I was even able to chew gum today. So I am officially in this for good now, and hopefully no more bumps in the road. As you might already know I am on antibiotics for the next 30 days to clear up my acne which is not helping my appetite at all. Also now that I have not eaten much for the past 2 weeks my tummy has shrank, so it is time to stretch it back out with the Liquid Nutritional Supplements. I seem to get full pretty fast, but hopefully that will change soon. Lets see how much I can gain in one week!!!! I am so motivated to do this.
Today's Total Calories: 2555 Calories **** This is about the amount I was getting when I had gained 20lbs in 2 Months!
Weight at End of Day: 133 lbs
2 Packs of Quacker Stawberry & Cream Instant Oatmeal in Lactaid Milk (420 Calories)
1 Glass of Lactaid Milk (160 Calories)
Total = 580 Calories
Banana and Peanut Butter Sandwhich (440 Calories)
Water (0 Calories)
Total = 440 Calories
Stouffer's Fettucini Alfredo (630 Calories)
Crush Orange Soda (190 Calories)
2 CVS Liquid Nutritional Supplements (350*2 = 700 Calories)
Vitafusion Multivitamins (15 Calories)
2 Glasses of Water (0 Calories)
Total = 1535
Recent Pic of Me 130-133..,..SOOOO SKINNY!
Today's Total Calories: 2555 Calories **** This is about the amount I was getting when I had gained 20lbs in 2 Months!
Weight at End of Day: 133 lbs
2 Packs of Quacker Stawberry & Cream Instant Oatmeal in Lactaid Milk (420 Calories)
1 Glass of Lactaid Milk (160 Calories)
Total = 580 Calories
Banana and Peanut Butter Sandwhich (440 Calories)
Water (0 Calories)
Total = 440 Calories
Stouffer's Fettucini Alfredo (630 Calories)
Crush Orange Soda (190 Calories)
2 CVS Liquid Nutritional Supplements (350*2 = 700 Calories)
Vitafusion Multivitamins (15 Calories)
2 Glasses of Water (0 Calories)
Total = 1535
Recent Pic of Me 130-133..,..SOOOO SKINNY!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Im Back!!!! Wisdom Teeth Surgery Insanity
I had my 4 wisdom teeth removed on Monday, May 9. I do not think I have ever been in so much pain in life, at least not in the past 15 years since my hernia surgery. Doctors seem to always lie about how long it takes to heal, they told me I would be good in 2-3 days. Ummm NO!!!! I just started eating whole food yesterday, exactly 7 days after surgery. I was taking 3 pain killers a day plus advil, all I could eat were liquids. During that whole week I was dead to the world, I did not get on my computer and barely used my phone. The only thing I did all week that was productive was make one youtube video only because I promised to make the sunglasses review by Saturday. For the first 3 days all I ate was Campbell's soup and water. By the 4th day I added StonyField Super Smoothies, Cottage cheese, and Oatmeal to my liquid diet. I lost all my weight and then some. As of this Monday May 16, I was 131-133lbs. During that week I was only getting in at max 600-1000 calories a day. Yes that is sooo sad. Even now my teeth and gums still hurt when I eat, but I was told that is because my teeth are now shifting around due to the extra space in the back of my mouth where my wisdom teeth used to be.
So yeah there is no way I will be 140lbs by May 31 anymore, my new goal is to be 136-137 by May 31st. This mission will continue throughout the summer until I reach my goal. I still have not gotten the birth control, and I am still debating on it. Right now since I have not been able to eat in the past week my appetite is pretty good. Every thing I eat tastes insanely good! But if my appetite ever goes away I will head on straight over to the pharmacy and get me the BC. As for the Perciaton, I am still looking for that.
I will start back up with daily blogs by the end of this week!
Example of my diet last week :(
2-3 cans of Chicken or Shrimp Campbell's condensed Soups (500-750 calories)
Water (0 Calories)
1-2 Stonyfield Super Smoothie (230-460 Calories) * ACTUALLY A GREAT SOURCE OF NUTRITOUS CALORIES, GLAD I FOUND THESE*
So yeah there is no way I will be 140lbs by May 31 anymore, my new goal is to be 136-137 by May 31st. This mission will continue throughout the summer until I reach my goal. I still have not gotten the birth control, and I am still debating on it. Right now since I have not been able to eat in the past week my appetite is pretty good. Every thing I eat tastes insanely good! But if my appetite ever goes away I will head on straight over to the pharmacy and get me the BC. As for the Perciaton, I am still looking for that.
I will start back up with daily blogs by the end of this week!
Example of my diet last week :(
2-3 cans of Chicken or Shrimp Campbell's condensed Soups (500-750 calories)
Water (0 Calories)
1-2 Stonyfield Super Smoothie (230-460 Calories) * ACTUALLY A GREAT SOURCE OF NUTRITOUS CALORIES, GLAD I FOUND THESE*
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Day 12 (Yesterday 5/6)-- Food Diary -- I CANT eat WalNUTS
Morning Weight: 135
Night Weight:
Todays Total: 2180 Calories
Egg and Cheese Sandwhich (280 Calories)
Caprisun (100 Calories)
Total 380
Egg and Cheese Sandwhich (280 Calories)
Cup of Lactaid Milk (160 Calories)
Total 440
2 Potatoes Mashed with Beef and Mushroom Gravy (350 Calories)
Arizona Ice Tea (70 Calories)
Total 420
Late Night Snack
1/2 Cup Walnuts (400 Calories)
Orange Crush (190 Calories)
CVS Liquid Nutritional Supplements (350 Calories)
Total 940
So today I ate 1/2 a cup of walnuts, I thought if I cut back I would be good, but nope. Once I was done I felt like I was about to vomit. I was watching tv and texting and before I knew it, all I could do is lay down and pray that I would just fall asleep, it made me feel sick to my stomach. I ended up falling asleep at 10pm (early as heck for me) and did not wake up until 1am. So I am done with walnuts for good. I could try eating even less, and just trying 1/4 cup, but then that would not even be worth the trouble for only 200 calories. Especially because I do not really like the taste of nuts to begin with. So my only hope now is the Brazilian nuts and if those make me feel sick too then I will have to give up on the nuts altogether (but I can still eat peanut butter). Although I can not stomach the nuts that I have tried I would still recommend it, because it is an easy way to get in alot of HEALTHY calories. And if they do not make you sick, you can snack on them along with eating your other daily meals. I am beginning to notice more and more that the things that would help me gain weight the most and the fastest happen to be things I can not eat. I have also noticed, that seems to be a problem for many of us. I am lactose intolerant so I can not just sit back and down a milk shake or a ton of ice cream ect. And now I notice I can not eat walnuts. When I do eat diary products I have to do so in small amounts, and drinking or eating things that are 50% or more milk have to be substituted with Lactaid Milk. Of course restaurants don't make Lactaid Milkshakes and most stores do not carry lactose free ice cream. The few times I have found lactose free ice cream it only comes in vanilla which is so boring. So that is just my luck, yet another factor that hinders the weight gain process.
Night Weight:
Todays Total: 2180 Calories
Egg and Cheese Sandwhich (280 Calories)
Caprisun (100 Calories)
Total 380
Egg and Cheese Sandwhich (280 Calories)
Cup of Lactaid Milk (160 Calories)
Total 440
2 Potatoes Mashed with Beef and Mushroom Gravy (350 Calories)
Arizona Ice Tea (70 Calories)
Total 420
Late Night Snack
1/2 Cup Walnuts (400 Calories)
Orange Crush (190 Calories)
CVS Liquid Nutritional Supplements (350 Calories)
Total 940
So today I ate 1/2 a cup of walnuts, I thought if I cut back I would be good, but nope. Once I was done I felt like I was about to vomit. I was watching tv and texting and before I knew it, all I could do is lay down and pray that I would just fall asleep, it made me feel sick to my stomach. I ended up falling asleep at 10pm (early as heck for me) and did not wake up until 1am. So I am done with walnuts for good. I could try eating even less, and just trying 1/4 cup, but then that would not even be worth the trouble for only 200 calories. Especially because I do not really like the taste of nuts to begin with. So my only hope now is the Brazilian nuts and if those make me feel sick too then I will have to give up on the nuts altogether (but I can still eat peanut butter). Although I can not stomach the nuts that I have tried I would still recommend it, because it is an easy way to get in alot of HEALTHY calories. And if they do not make you sick, you can snack on them along with eating your other daily meals. I am beginning to notice more and more that the things that would help me gain weight the most and the fastest happen to be things I can not eat. I have also noticed, that seems to be a problem for many of us. I am lactose intolerant so I can not just sit back and down a milk shake or a ton of ice cream ect. And now I notice I can not eat walnuts. When I do eat diary products I have to do so in small amounts, and drinking or eating things that are 50% or more milk have to be substituted with Lactaid Milk. Of course restaurants don't make Lactaid Milkshakes and most stores do not carry lactose free ice cream. The few times I have found lactose free ice cream it only comes in vanilla which is so boring. So that is just my luck, yet another factor that hinders the weight gain process.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Birth Control & Weight Gain
I have not talked about this in any of my videos or any of my blogs because I did not use this during the time I gained most of my weight and I also do not want to promote using prescription meds for any purpose other then its intended purpose. With that being said most of us who have used any form of birth control know that a side of effect of most forms of BC is weight gain. Although, weight gain is not guaranteed! I have had all sorts of experiences with BC. I haven't actually taken BC in the past 3 years during the time I gained the 20 lbs in 2 months but I did take it back when I was in undergrad/college. I have taken about 3-4 different brands of BC pills and I also took the Depo shot. One brand of BC pills caused me to gain about 5 lbs and caused my boobs to increase by a half a cup size. Another brand caused no weight gain and just increased cup size. Another brand caused me to feel anxious, have sweaty palms and feet, and just made me feel overall sick to the stomach. And another brand (NORTREL 7/7/7 -- the only brand I remember) caused me to lose my appetite, lose weight, caused nausea, and vomiting. The Depo Shot caused the most weight gain for me of about 10 lbs but no increase in cup size. Even though the Depo Shot caused me to gain the most weight I hated the fact that it caused me to never get my period while I was on the shot, so I stopped taking it. The other problem is, I have never kept track of which brand of BC pills caused me to get sick and lose my appetite, and which ones just have the normal side effect of weight gain.
My very last experience with BC pills over 3 yrs ago, happens to be the time I lost my appetite and had an overall feeling of being sick, since then I have not messed with it. But the other day when my Doctor asked "Do you want BC?". I said no because I remembered my very last experience but when I got home I realized she would probably give me a brand that is different then the very last brand I had. Also, there may be a possibility for weight gain. I then called her back and told her that I would like to get BC pills.
I have not picked them up yet, and do not plan on taking them until after I have my mouth surgery.....so I may not start taking them until around wed or thurs of next week. But I guess we will see what the side effects are this time, and this time I will keep track of the brand and let yall know. LETS HOPE FOR WEIGHT GAIN OR INCREASED APPETITE :)
Do know I do not condone taking BC or any prescription drug for that matter for any purpose other then its intended purpose so if you do not need BC then do not take it! The biggest reason why I stopped taking them was because the very last brand I took made me sick and also their was a 6 month period of time I did not have health insurance.
If you have had any BC and weight experiences please share?
My very last experience with BC pills over 3 yrs ago, happens to be the time I lost my appetite and had an overall feeling of being sick, since then I have not messed with it. But the other day when my Doctor asked "Do you want BC?". I said no because I remembered my very last experience but when I got home I realized she would probably give me a brand that is different then the very last brand I had. Also, there may be a possibility for weight gain. I then called her back and told her that I would like to get BC pills.
I have not picked them up yet, and do not plan on taking them until after I have my mouth surgery.....so I may not start taking them until around wed or thurs of next week. But I guess we will see what the side effects are this time, and this time I will keep track of the brand and let yall know. LETS HOPE FOR WEIGHT GAIN OR INCREASED APPETITE :)
Do know I do not condone taking BC or any prescription drug for that matter for any purpose other then its intended purpose so if you do not need BC then do not take it! The biggest reason why I stopped taking them was because the very last brand I took made me sick and also their was a 6 month period of time I did not have health insurance.
If you have had any BC and weight experiences please share?
Week 1 - Recap (measurements and pics)
Starting Weight: 133-134 lbs
Week 1-2 Weight: 135 lbs (my morning weight is what I count, when I have an empty stomach)
Week 2-3 Goal Weight: Have a morning weight of 137 lbs
Hips: 38 inches
Waist: 32.5 inches
Tummy: 30 inches
Bust (w/out bra): 36 inches
Thigh: 21 inches
Arm: 10.5 inches
MEASUREMENTS (Beginning of Challenge)
Hips: 38 inches
Waist: 31.5 inches
Tummy: 29 inches
Bust (w/out bra): 36 inches
Thigh: 21 inches
Arm: 10.5 inches
This week I have gained at most 1-2 lbs which isn't that bad I guess. That is very average amount of weight to gain in one week. I think you are supposed to gain a pound a week if you eat and extra 500 calories a day. So I am guessing when I had lost weight I had been eating way below 1500 calories a day. Of course I would have rathered have gained more, but as yall already know I have had alot of things hampering my process so I am proud that through it all I still was able to eat the amount I did eat. I have planned to take pictures every week, but clearly a pound or 2 gain is not going to show. But I took pictures anyways.
Once my toe heals more I plan to start my butt exercises and I figured out a way that I will show yall what I do. I will post the video to my Lifestylblkbeauty channel and link it to this blog. I will only make it available on this blog (I will embed it), people who try to watch it from my youtube channel will not beable to see it. That way only people truly interested in this topic will see it, and no pervets lol.
I also found out today that I will be having my oral surgery to remove all 4 of my wisdom teeth on Monday and my Dr. said it will take about 2-3 days to heal and beable to eat normally. So I will be adding however many days it takes to heal from the mouth surgery onto this Gain Weight Challenge. Clearly if I do not eat real food for 2-3 day there is no way I can count or document those days. So I will likely end this challenge Jun 3 rather then May 31. We will see how surgery goes.
In the following weeks I need to eat more:
milk or soda
liquid nutritional supplements
saucey and creamy foods
snack on nuts
Week 1-2 Weight: 135 lbs (my morning weight is what I count, when I have an empty stomach)
Week 2-3 Goal Weight: Have a morning weight of 137 lbs
Hips: 38 inches
Waist: 32.5 inches
Tummy: 30 inches
Bust (w/out bra): 36 inches
Thigh: 21 inches
Arm: 10.5 inches
MEASUREMENTS (Beginning of Challenge)
Hips: 38 inches
Waist: 31.5 inches
Tummy: 29 inches
Bust (w/out bra): 36 inches
Thigh: 21 inches
Arm: 10.5 inches
This week I have gained at most 1-2 lbs which isn't that bad I guess. That is very average amount of weight to gain in one week. I think you are supposed to gain a pound a week if you eat and extra 500 calories a day. So I am guessing when I had lost weight I had been eating way below 1500 calories a day. Of course I would have rathered have gained more, but as yall already know I have had alot of things hampering my process so I am proud that through it all I still was able to eat the amount I did eat. I have planned to take pictures every week, but clearly a pound or 2 gain is not going to show. But I took pictures anyways.
Once my toe heals more I plan to start my butt exercises and I figured out a way that I will show yall what I do. I will post the video to my Lifestylblkbeauty channel and link it to this blog. I will only make it available on this blog (I will embed it), people who try to watch it from my youtube channel will not beable to see it. That way only people truly interested in this topic will see it, and no pervets lol.
I also found out today that I will be having my oral surgery to remove all 4 of my wisdom teeth on Monday and my Dr. said it will take about 2-3 days to heal and beable to eat normally. So I will be adding however many days it takes to heal from the mouth surgery onto this Gain Weight Challenge. Clearly if I do not eat real food for 2-3 day there is no way I can count or document those days. So I will likely end this challenge Jun 3 rather then May 31. We will see how surgery goes.
In the following weeks I need to eat more:
milk or soda
liquid nutritional supplements
saucey and creamy foods
snack on nuts
Day 11 (5/5) Yesterday -- Food Diary -- Never Over-do Anything
Morning Weight - 135lbs
Night Weight - 138 lbs
Total Calories for the Day - 1810
Breakfast -
Egg and Cheese Sanwhich = (280 calories)
Water = (0 Calories)
Total Calories for the Day - 1810
Breakfast -
Egg and Cheese Sanwhich = (280 calories)
Water = (0 Calories)
Total = 280
Lunch/Snack -
PB&J Sandwhich (330 calories)
Caprisun (100 Calories)
Lunch/Snack -
PB&J Sandwhich (330 calories)
Caprisun (100 Calories)
Total = 430
Dinner -
Cream and Mushroom Chicken and Rice (580 Calories)
Dinner -
Cream and Mushroom Chicken and Rice (580 Calories)
Orange Crush Soda (170 Calories)
CVS Liquid Nutrition Supplemental Drink (350)
VitaFusion MutliVites Gummy Vitamins (0 Calories)
Glass of Water (0 Calories)
Total = 1100
I overdid it with the nuts the night before. And I will just leave it at this, I paid for it today. I had the skip the nuts but will start with the nuts again tommorow.....but with a moderate amount. Only being able to eat on one side of my mouth hampers this challenge for me, I can only eat softer foods, take smaller bites, and it takes me forever to eat a meal. But I know the last 2 weeks of this challenge I am going to go hard, and I will get to eat everything I crave :) I also need to focus on gettting in more then 2000 calories a day. But if I eat my normal meals, snack on nuts, plus stop being lazy and make sure to drink 2-3 nutritional supplements a day......I should be able to do it. I also mashed some patatoes so I hope to eat a plate full with gravy tommorow night before bed.
VitaFusion MutliVites Gummy Vitamins (0 Calories)
Glass of Water (0 Calories)
Total = 1100
I overdid it with the nuts the night before. And I will just leave it at this, I paid for it today. I had the skip the nuts but will start with the nuts again tommorow.....but with a moderate amount. Only being able to eat on one side of my mouth hampers this challenge for me, I can only eat softer foods, take smaller bites, and it takes me forever to eat a meal. But I know the last 2 weeks of this challenge I am going to go hard, and I will get to eat everything I crave :) I also need to focus on gettting in more then 2000 calories a day. But if I eat my normal meals, snack on nuts, plus stop being lazy and make sure to drink 2-3 nutritional supplements a day......I should be able to do it. I also mashed some patatoes so I hope to eat a plate full with gravy tommorow night before bed.
- Keke
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Day 10 -- Food Diary -- I Ate Walnuts Nuts
Morning Weight - 135lbs
Night Weight - 138 lbs
Total Calories for the Day - 2480!!! *** this is the amount I need to gain weight yay!!!!
Breakfast -
Egg and Cheese Sanwhich = (280 calories)
Arizona Ice Tea (70 calories)
Total = 350
Lunch/Snack - At an Asian Bistro
Black Dragon Sushi and sauce (450 calories)
Boiled Asian Dumplins and sauce (140 calories)
Water (0 calories)
Total = 590
Dinner -
Nothing, never realized how filling nuts can be....OPPS lol!!! I ate way too many!!!!!
Afternoon Snack-
3/4 Cup Trader Joe Walnut Halfs (600 calories)
2 Cups of Arizona Ice Tea (140 calories)
1 Caprisun (100 calories)
2 CVS Liquid Nutrition Supplemental Drink (700)
VitaFusion MutliVites Gummy Vitamins (0 Calories)
Glass of Water (0 Calories)
Total= 1540
I have heard time and time again how high in (healthy) calories all sorts of nuts are. Which is why I eat peanut butter and jelly to gain weight. But I never thought to eat nuts alone. And thanx to one of my blog's lovely readers I was reminded of that. I wanted to eat the recommended Brazilian nuts which I found out my parents eat all the time because they happen to be really healthy eaters. Of course I would be eating them for the calories, but we were out. What we did have were Walnut halfs (Trader Joe brand), each 1/4 cup is 200 calories and I ate 3/4 cup. Now I feel lathargic and sick, I will never eat that many nuts ever again. I will stick to either 1/4 or 1/2 cups next time. But at least I got in 600 calories just like that, that seemed super easy. Nuts will now be a regular part of my every day diet. When I went through my youtube subscription it was so easy to snack on it without realizing I was just eating way too much of it. I am soo full right now, all I will be able to do at this point is drink 2 cans of my liquid nutrition supplements and head to bed. I am just sooo tired.
****I have also been super busy lately, but hopefully tommorow I will have time to do an updated measurments blog, let yall know what my next step will be in this journey, week one recap, and maybe pics too! Seems like we are all doing well on this journey, lets keep it up girls :)
Night Weight - 138 lbs
Total Calories for the Day - 2480!!! *** this is the amount I need to gain weight yay!!!!
Breakfast -
Egg and Cheese Sanwhich = (280 calories)
Arizona Ice Tea (70 calories)
Total = 350
Lunch/Snack - At an Asian Bistro
Black Dragon Sushi and sauce (450 calories)
Boiled Asian Dumplins and sauce (140 calories)
Water (0 calories)
Total = 590
Dinner -
Nothing, never realized how filling nuts can be....OPPS lol!!! I ate way too many!!!!!
Afternoon Snack-
3/4 Cup Trader Joe Walnut Halfs (600 calories)
2 Cups of Arizona Ice Tea (140 calories)
1 Caprisun (100 calories)
2 CVS Liquid Nutrition Supplemental Drink (700)
VitaFusion MutliVites Gummy Vitamins (0 Calories)
Glass of Water (0 Calories)
Total= 1540
I have heard time and time again how high in (healthy) calories all sorts of nuts are. Which is why I eat peanut butter and jelly to gain weight. But I never thought to eat nuts alone. And thanx to one of my blog's lovely readers I was reminded of that. I wanted to eat the recommended Brazilian nuts which I found out my parents eat all the time because they happen to be really healthy eaters. Of course I would be eating them for the calories, but we were out. What we did have were Walnut halfs (Trader Joe brand), each 1/4 cup is 200 calories and I ate 3/4 cup. Now I feel lathargic and sick, I will never eat that many nuts ever again. I will stick to either 1/4 or 1/2 cups next time. But at least I got in 600 calories just like that, that seemed super easy. Nuts will now be a regular part of my every day diet. When I went through my youtube subscription it was so easy to snack on it without realizing I was just eating way too much of it. I am soo full right now, all I will be able to do at this point is drink 2 cans of my liquid nutrition supplements and head to bed. I am just sooo tired.
****I have also been super busy lately, but hopefully tommorow I will have time to do an updated measurments blog, let yall know what my next step will be in this journey, week one recap, and maybe pics too! Seems like we are all doing well on this journey, lets keep it up girls :)
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Day 9 -- Food Diary -- Busy Day
Morning Weight - 135 lbs
Night Weight - 135 lbs
Total Calories for the Day - 1590
Breakfast -
Beef Patty (200 calories)
Arizona Ice Tea (70 calories)
Total = 270
Lunch/Snack -
PB & J Sandwhich (330 Calories)
Arizona Ice Tea (70 Calories)
Total= 400
Deviled Ham Sandwhich (470 calories)
Caprisun (100 Calories)
1 CVS Liquid Nutrition Supplemental Drink (350)
VitaFusion MutliVites Gummy Vitamins (0 Calories)
Glass of Water (0 Calories)
Total= 920
So busy today, and didn't eat much. I have a couple of post ideas and I need to do week one recap and measurements....but I will get to that later.
Night Weight - 135 lbs
Total Calories for the Day - 1590
Breakfast -
Beef Patty (200 calories)
Arizona Ice Tea (70 calories)
Total = 270
Lunch/Snack -
PB & J Sandwhich (330 Calories)
Arizona Ice Tea (70 Calories)
Total= 400
Deviled Ham Sandwhich (470 calories)
Caprisun (100 Calories)
1 CVS Liquid Nutrition Supplemental Drink (350)
VitaFusion MutliVites Gummy Vitamins (0 Calories)
Glass of Water (0 Calories)
Total= 920
So busy today, and didn't eat much. I have a couple of post ideas and I need to do week one recap and measurements....but I will get to that later.
Day 8 -- Food Diary -- Great Day (Yesterday 5/2)
Morning Weight - 135 lbs
Night Weight - 138 lbs
Total Calories for the Day - 2155
Breakfast -
Jamaican Beef Patty = (200 calories)
Arizona Ice Tea = (70 Calories)
Water = (0 Calories)
Total = 270
Lunch/Snack -
Salmon and Rice covered in Roasted Garlic Sauce (550 calories)
1.5 Sprite (185 calories)
Total = 735
Late Night Snack-
Baked Potato w/ sour cream, butter, and chives (250 Calories)
2 Caprisun Strawberry Kiwi (200 Calories)
2 CVS Liquid Nutrition Supplemental Drink (700 Calories)
VitaFusion MutliVites Gummy Vitamins (0 Calories)
Water (0 Calories)
Total = (1150 Calories)
Today I went back to the doctor for my follow-up appointment and he said everything is looking good with my foot so that was encouraging. Eating is a bit hard due to needing to get my wisdom tooth removed, but im getting used to eating only on one side of my mouth. I want to heal a little more from my foot surgery before I have my mouth surgery. I have started noticing my appetite is really opening up, I wake up with insane cravings. Today I woke up wanting and craving a 5 Guys Burger and wanted one all day long but knew it would be too difficult to eat with my tooth. And I had dreams all night that I was eating all sorts of delish things....I really hope my increased appetite and cravings stick around for when I can actually eat those types of things. Looking back to the time I had gained my weight I remember there were 7 things that really helped the process:
1. Weight Gain Drinks
2. Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwhiches
3. Creamy sauces and condiments
4. Baked or Mashed Potatoes
5. Counting my calories
6. Soda
7. Consuming more then 2,000 calories
Today I did 6 out of 7. I wanted so badly to do this process daily without soda, but I don't know.....dinner just aint the same without it. I am drinking more water then I did before. The number on the scale isn't moving as fast as I would like.....but I feel fuller when I eat and therefore heavier by the end of the day....so hopefully in the next couple of weeks my morning weight will be what my night time weight has been.
Night Weight - 138 lbs
Total Calories for the Day - 2155
Breakfast -
Jamaican Beef Patty = (200 calories)
Arizona Ice Tea = (70 Calories)
Water = (0 Calories)
Total = 270
Lunch/Snack -
Salmon and Rice covered in Roasted Garlic Sauce (550 calories)
1.5 Sprite (185 calories)
Total = 735
Late Night Snack-
Baked Potato w/ sour cream, butter, and chives (250 Calories)
2 Caprisun Strawberry Kiwi (200 Calories)
2 CVS Liquid Nutrition Supplemental Drink (700 Calories)
VitaFusion MutliVites Gummy Vitamins (0 Calories)
Water (0 Calories)
Total = (1150 Calories)
Today I went back to the doctor for my follow-up appointment and he said everything is looking good with my foot so that was encouraging. Eating is a bit hard due to needing to get my wisdom tooth removed, but im getting used to eating only on one side of my mouth. I want to heal a little more from my foot surgery before I have my mouth surgery. I have started noticing my appetite is really opening up, I wake up with insane cravings. Today I woke up wanting and craving a 5 Guys Burger and wanted one all day long but knew it would be too difficult to eat with my tooth. And I had dreams all night that I was eating all sorts of delish things....I really hope my increased appetite and cravings stick around for when I can actually eat those types of things. Looking back to the time I had gained my weight I remember there were 7 things that really helped the process:
1. Weight Gain Drinks
2. Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwhiches
3. Creamy sauces and condiments
4. Baked or Mashed Potatoes
5. Counting my calories
6. Soda
7. Consuming more then 2,000 calories
Today I did 6 out of 7. I wanted so badly to do this process daily without soda, but I don't know.....dinner just aint the same without it. I am drinking more water then I did before. The number on the scale isn't moving as fast as I would like.....but I feel fuller when I eat and therefore heavier by the end of the day....so hopefully in the next couple of weeks my morning weight will be what my night time weight has been.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Day 7 -- Food Diary -- STILL FIGHTING
Morning Weight - 135lbs
Night Weight - 138lbs
Total Calories for the Day - 2290
Breakfast -
Egg and Cheese English Muffin = (270 calories)
CVS Liquid Nutritional Supplement (350 calories)
Total = 620
Lunch/Snack -
Jamaican Jerk Chicken and Rice (450 calories)
1 Cherry Crush Soda (170 calories)
3 CVS Liquid Nutrition Supplemental Drink (1050) * I do not know what I would do w/out these *
VitaFusion MutliVites Gummy Vitamins (0 Calories)
Glass of Water (0 Calories)
Total= 1670
One day I know I will look back at having 2 foot surgeries and soon to have mouth surgery as a blessing because it is trully a humbling experience. Most importantly it brings me closer to God because I know without him I would just give up. I refuse to even ask why me, because his plans are his plans and there is a purpose and a reason behind everything. I was watching youtube and I came across an inspirational video that touched me and one thing I remember the women saying is "Thank God for everything because He will give you double for every last trouble". Perfect timing, I had just woke up and had the choice to sleep away the day like I did yesterday as to ignore the fact that my foot hurts or get up eat and continue to fight. Thankfully today I chose to fight!!!! So yesterday I did not post a food diary but from today on I am going to fight meaning continue eating because without those nutrients there will be no healing. This food diary ends up being apart of my fight because it keeps me accountable and ontop of that it has been thearaputic as well.
Night Weight - 138lbs
Total Calories for the Day - 2290
Breakfast -
Egg and Cheese English Muffin = (270 calories)
CVS Liquid Nutritional Supplement (350 calories)
Total = 620
Lunch/Snack -
Jamaican Jerk Chicken and Rice (450 calories)
1 Cherry Crush Soda (170 calories)
3 CVS Liquid Nutrition Supplemental Drink (1050) * I do not know what I would do w/out these *
VitaFusion MutliVites Gummy Vitamins (0 Calories)
Glass of Water (0 Calories)
Total= 1670
One day I know I will look back at having 2 foot surgeries and soon to have mouth surgery as a blessing because it is trully a humbling experience. Most importantly it brings me closer to God because I know without him I would just give up. I refuse to even ask why me, because his plans are his plans and there is a purpose and a reason behind everything. I was watching youtube and I came across an inspirational video that touched me and one thing I remember the women saying is "Thank God for everything because He will give you double for every last trouble". Perfect timing, I had just woke up and had the choice to sleep away the day like I did yesterday as to ignore the fact that my foot hurts or get up eat and continue to fight. Thankfully today I chose to fight!!!! So yesterday I did not post a food diary but from today on I am going to fight meaning continue eating because without those nutrients there will be no healing. This food diary ends up being apart of my fight because it keeps me accountable and ontop of that it has been thearaputic as well.
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