Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Winter 2016 Weight Gain Update -- After Baby

    I just wanted to do an update about my weight gain journey 1 year postpartum.  Here are my thoughts and feelings post baby.
    I always imagined that once I got pregnant and had a baby that I would no longer have to actively try to gain weight, I thought I would be able to quit taking my weight gain supplements (ensure plus), and that I would naturally just be thicker forever due to weight and body changes that would result from pregnancy.  I thought my hips would expand, my butt would get bigger, my thighs would get thicker, and my breasts would get fuller.  Boy was I wrong!!!  Here are a pictures of me at 9 months pregnant.

   You will notice I gained most, if not all of my weight just in my stomach and breasts.  I did not get wider hips, a bigger butt, or thicker thighs.  I also did not gain that much weight during my pregnancy because I had morning/all day sickness for the entire 9 months.  I was nauseous, had low appetite, had a metal taste in my mouth, and vomited during my entire pregnancy.  My highest weight I believe was 167 lbs.  Pre-pegnancy I was 148 lbs.  During my first couple of months of pregnancy I lost weight and got down to about 132 lbs due to constant vomitting, and then towards the end I finally gained but it was all baby weight/tummy weight and not weight to my actual body.
   Postpartum I am a lot more self-conscious about my body then I have ever been in life.  I now look back at the way my body used to be and wish I had loved it and appreciated it way more then I did.  I would never at this point in life wear a 2 piece bikini and I would like to get my body back/my stomach back to the point where I am comfortable doing so.  I know it will take tons and tons of work and exercise.  I now have very obvious stretch marks, I think I have a hernia in my belly button, and I have loose skin on my tummy.  The stretch marks don't bother me all that much but a combination of all 3 do bother me.  I am hoping when I have time to exercise rigorously I will be able to build abs and have the tummy that I desire to have.  Right now my son is 1.5 yrs, my hubby works 12 hr days, and none of my family live close by, I am a stay home mom, and literally have no ME TIME.  I am ok with that because my son comes first, his growth and development comes first, and I know I have the rest of my life to worry about me and getting my body back. So right now I am putting my weight gain and postpartum body journey to the side.  Don't get me wrong I do think I look decent if not good with my clothes on, but there is a lot you don't see.  I want to look good with my clothes off, and I also want to look great in a 2 piece bikini.  My tummy is my biggest insecurity.  
   Your probably wondering well why don't you at least gain weight and worry about exercising later on in a year or so when you son is more independent.  Well I can't do that postpartum.  Ever since I had my baby, weight goes straight to my stomach and no where else.  At 150-157 (which was my highest weight) pre-baby I loved my body.  I had a little belly fat but nothing serious, I could easily hold it in, and keep it tight, I loved my body at that size pre-baby.  Post baby OMG my body looks terrible at 150.  I couldn't even imagine what it would look like at 157.  I honestly just look about 5 months pregnant at 150 post baby.  Its crazy how different my body carries weight and gains weight post baby.  It is very clear I need to tighten my stomach muscles before I gain and also during and after the gaining process.  I need to do strength/ weight training to ensure the weight that I gain goes to other places and not my stomach.  So when I do have time to work out and begin my weight journey again that will be the plan.  But who knows exactly when that time will come.


Until then I will leave you with some current pictures of me.  :)  In these pictures my weight ranged from 134-142.  That is the weight I am comfortable at right now, the highest weight I can be postpartum without looking pregnant.

Thank you for stopping by - Keke <3


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  36. This supplement works n really a scientific manner and the blend of its ingredients makes your body active by making your hormones active. common ingredients are Boron, nitric oxide, Maca root, fenugreek extract and ginseng blends. Although many other products also have these Alpha Complex Extreme but includes the perfect blend. This supplement is good for the health of men in two different ways. First of all it increases your performance at the gym. It is because it recovers the damaged tissues immediately during the workout and as a result, you remain fresh and motivated.

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  40. Supplemented with higher diets Aerobic exercises and cardio exercise exercises are perfect for burning fat where as they are not as efficient for body creating Weight training boosts the androgenic hormone or testosterone stages and this is a significant hormone for muscular AndroForce x10 and bone health and fitness Testosterone also plays a vital role in the restoration phase of the muscle tissue after the exercises are over to develop up new muscle tissue When training loads intense exercises is recommended rather than light exercises with several reps However you can start with a resistance (weight) that you are comfortable with and gradually improve it as you develop muscle tissue.

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    This article probably gave you some good advice you can use to improve your overall health. Soon, you will feel more comfortable in your body and be able to develop your workout routines even more. Staying focused and being dedicated can help you achieve the results you seek and give you an amazing sense of accomplishment, as well as improving your looks If you want to get serious about building muscle, you need the right advice and solid information you can use. Use all of the tips from this article and you can achieve the level of success you hope to achieve. Persevere, and you will see results.

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    If you have trouble remembering to use your skin care products, put them in an area where you will notice them on a daily basis. If you use the products before you sleep at night, consider putting them next to your bed.Avoid using harsh soaps if your skin is dry. A moisturizing body wash will get you just as clean without the dehydrating effect of most soaps. Bubble baths are actually very damaging for dry skin, so it's best to avoid them. A good alternative is using bath oil or oatmeal body wash that will sooth any dry itchy skin. Apply moisturizer before showering to avoid the drying effects of water.

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